‘Families Don’t Have To Match’ – Black Couple Share Their Journey To Becoming Parents Of Three White Children

From the time they met, Sadie and Jarvis Sampson knew they wanted to be parents. Unfortunately, they did not have an easy time becoming parents. It took a lot of grief for them to get to the point in their lives where they could become a mother and father. But it was all worth it in the end.

Sadie told Love What Matters about her life and how she and Jarvis tried but failed to produce a child.

The Houston mom mentioned ovulation testing, prenatal vitamins, cycle tracking apps, and fertility monitors.

“We even attempted friends’, family’s, and strangers’ unwanted suggestions. We tried, prayed, and waited for 14 months. Month after month, year after year. After a negative pregnancy test, another negative pregnancy test is performed. It appeared that we would require medical aid in order to conceive. We went so far as to discuss it with doctors.”

This couple was offered little assistance at one doctor’s appointment after another. Before trying to conceive again, everyone recommended Sadie to drop some weight. She followed their counsel and underwent gastric surgery, shedding 28 pounds in the process.

This felt like a nice place to start, especially after her OBGYN urged her to keep trying because her odds of getting pregnant had improved.

“She informed me that if I didn’t become pregnant in six months, she’d refer me to a fertility specialist because she couldn’t prescribe me the fertility medicine,” Sadie explained. “I was ecstatic about that.” Finally, something other than a negative response! We were ecstatic when we got a ‘not right now.'”

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Posted by Sadie Sampson on Thursday, January 9, 2020

“I’d always felt called to be a mother,” Sadie explained. “My surgeon had spent so much time warning me about how fertile I’d be following surgery, yet I hadn’t gotten pregnant.” As a result, we gave up. We recognized we were only destined to be godparents to our goddaughters and aunts and uncles to our nieces.”

Then, almost out of nowhere, a friend contacted to ask if they would be willing to foster a child for a couple she knew. Both Sadie and Jarvis were pleased at the prospect of assisting a child in need, but they were concerned that they would become too connected to the youngster. Regardless, they consented to take on the role of foster parents.

But then the caseworker who was assigned to the case delivered some wonderful news that no one expected to hear. “The birth mother decided she would want you folks to adopt the child instead,” she told the Sampsons.

“‘Holy crap!!’ I exclaimed aloud when I found out I was going to be a mom,” Sadie recalled.

“Overnight, we went from not having any children to considering fostering one to being told, ‘You guys are parents!’ I sat in disbelief as I listened to the case worker speak. I got off the phone and dialed my husband’s number! ‘Babe!! They’d like us to adopt the child! I yelled, ‘They want us to be parents!’ ‘Wait! REALLY?! He exclaimed, ‘I thought they only wanted us to nurture him!’ ‘Nope! “They want us to be his mother and father,” I explained.

The infant was still in the hospital after being born prematurely at 33 weeks.

Sadie explained, “He literally fit in one of my husband’s hands.” “He was swaddled in a white blanket with pink and blue stripes, and he was very little.”

“He had an NG tube going out of his nose because he couldn’t eat on his own due to his preterm birth,” she continued. But, oh my, was he adorable!!!”

Friends and relatives encouraged them to create a register after they announced the happy news on social media. The new mother and father were flooded with gifts for their bundle of joy in no time.

Ezra Lee, a stunning young woman, joined the Sampson family in October 2020. They all wore T-shirts that proclaimed, “Families don’t have to match” on the day of the adoption.

The wonderful thing about Sadie and Jarvis is that their narrative is far from over. They welcomed twin girls Journee and Destinee in 2021, thanks to embryo donation. This five-person family is now complete. Both of their daughters, like Ezra Lee, are white, which adds to the beauty of this family.

Source: boreddaddy.com


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