Mom Sets The Record Straight: Her ‘Black & White’ Baby Boys Are Identical Twins

Meet Daniel and David, Nigerian twin brothers who are identical but very different.

Meet Daniel and David, Nigerian twin brothers who are identical but very different. These adorable siblings have different complexion and hair colors, while sharing the same parents and having huge brown eyes. Daniel, like his mother, father, and older sister, is black, whereas David is white and has golden-colored hair due to albinism, a hereditary disorder that affects one in every 20,000 individuals.

According to their mother, Stacy, none of the scans revealed that David was different from his twin brother, so when the boys were born, everyone was taken aback. She told Bored Panda that the first thing doctors informed her was that “it appears you are having entirely unidentical twins.”

Nigerian Mom Sets the Record Straight About Her Identical Twins

Albino people are more prone to have health problems, including visual problems, but David, according to his proud mother, is in perfect condition.

She also revealed how her spouse reacted when he first saw his sons.

“Their father was overjoyed and instantly dubbed My Twin 2 (David) ‘Golden,’ thus he affectionately refers to him as Mr. Golden. He was pleased to meet his sons. She told Bored Panda that he stood for more than 10 minutes staring at them and stated he was just marveling at God’s magnificent creation and that they were his best gift ever.

The family gets a lot of attention, yet no one ever says anything negative about David’s unusual appearance.

Mother's Set Of Twins Are Identical But Look Nothing Alike

“Whenever we go out, people usually want to know how and what’s going on, and maybe because of their cute and adorable character, you simply want to come close to say hi,” Stacy explained.

Stacy created an Instagram account for her sons in order to allow them to convey their story of understanding and respect. She posts a lot of lovely images of her little gems there. They have approximately 26K followers from all across the world so far. They also receive offers from a number of modeling agencies, the most of which are based in the United Kingdom.

Everyone who sees Daniel and David’s photos falls in love with them. If their parents accept any of the offers, we are confident that they will become successful models one day.

Their mother claims that, in addition to their physical appearance, her sons are polar opposites in terms of their personalities. They will be three years old in February of this year!



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