HS Senior Wrote To The Rock Asking For A Favor. He Comes Through In The Most Heartfelt Way

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has demonstrated that he is the complete deal. We all knew him as The Rock when he was a pro wrestler. Many of us were taken aback when he decided to pursue acting full-time. He has, however, quickly established himself as one of Hollywood’s most in-demand actors. Plus, he appears to be a pleasant and approachable individual.

He’s also interested in leadership and has aided a number of young leaders across the country. Lorraine Angelakos is one of the most recent.

Lorraine took the time to compose a letter to Dwayne Johnson. She asked the actor to speak to her graduating class at Pompano Beach High School in Florida, and he agreed. While the school always makes similar arrangements, this year has been particularly eventful in terms of celebrations. Furthermore, for their own protection, the majority of celebs are staying at home. This is the year to reach out to people individually if there was ever one.

Lorraine’s note alluded to a video Dwayne had created for his supporters previously. He posed the query, “Where are you?” in it.

“What happened to that leader? Where is our leader who would stand up for our country now, when it is on the verge of collapse?” Johnson’s most recent video reaffirmed this. “I received a letter containing my response.”

“Like you, I think that when one door closes, another one opens,” Dwayne added, reading Lorraine’s insightful letter in its entirety. “All you need is the drive and determination to go through that next door and give it your all.” He went on to say that Lorraine’s letter was more than he had anticipated.

“It knocked me off my feet when I got this letter,” he said. “It’s not so much what Lorraine says as it is how she says it.” Dwayne continued to read the letter, which was written with great maturity. Lorraine appears to have a good head on her shoulders when she considers her own and her colleagues’ futures.

“Some pupils will go to college, while others will not, and some will enter the workforce,” the letter said. “We all have hopes and dreams. I see you as an inspiration to our youth, reminding us that no matter how difficult the journey may appear, hard work, positivism, and perseverance will pay off.”

And it was at this point that Dwayne learned that Lorraine had requested him to speak to her class. “Most commencement speakers and celebrities are sought after you graduate college,” the letter stated, “but I believe the time has come in your final year when some students will not have that luxury.” “You can motivate them with the support of someone like you. With you as their inspiration, they finally deserve it.”

Dwayne was thinking about the letter at the time. “You’re completely correct,” he stated. “It’s the senior year of high school. I would have done it for free, Lorraine. I would have traveled halfway across the world and back simply to speak to you guys at graduation. I would have attended.”

But, according to Dwayne, there was something about the letter that made it a must-read. Lorraine wrote, “As part of a good faith request, I have sent seven bucks as a downpayment for your services,” according to the actor. Even if it isn’t much, it is something.

In addition, the total cost makes reasonable. If you’re a fan of Dwayne Johnson, you may recall that he began his career with only $7 in his pocket. It’s clear that Lorraine did her homework. She knew The Rock would be the perfect person to invite to speak to her graduating class.

Dwayne did have some nice things to say to the class. “Lorraine, you and your fellow grads… you guys are our empathic caring leaders who will lead us, who will be the ones responsible for the questions that we as adults are having a difficult time resolving right now,” he remarked.

He went on to say, “You guys are the ones who are going to normalize equality.” “We’re going to create a path; it’s my responsibility; myself and others will create that path. You’ll see to it that it happens and that it stays that way indefinitely.”

He advised, “Always put your money where your heart is.” “Your North Star will always be your heart, mana, and instinct.” He then explained that the $7 Lorraine had given him will be invested in her name. Dwayne Johnson always seems to have the proper words to say.

He ended his address in the same way he would at a graduation commencement. “We must all become the leaders that we seek,” he remarked. “Congratulations and thank you for being our leaders, 2020 graduates. This is something we can handle.” As a result, it’s almost as if Dwayne addressed everyone. Perhaps in the future, online graduation speeches will be the way to go.

Dwayne, on the other hand, has a heartwarming tale that will inspire both children and adults. He often utilizes a remark that everyone can connect to when speaking to an audience about his success story. “I knew two things: I was broke and I wouldn’t be for long,” he says.

He went on to become a professional wrestler, bizarrely following in his father’s footsteps. Rocky Johnson, his father, was a professional wrestler in Canada and Georgia’s first black heavyweight champion. At the age of 75, he passed away in January. Rocky was a great athlete, but he didn’t have the same career success as Dwayne.

Dwayne Johnson, as an individual, demonstrates that anything is possible. When you least expect it, your life path appears to fall into your lap. But he also understands what it takes to be a leader, and his insightful remarks have often served as a powerful incentive for today’s young leaders and innovators.

Source: littlethings.com


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