Grandmother’s Funeral Turns Into Exhibition Of Her Thoughtful, Handmade Family Quilts

Margaret Hubl possessed a plethora of qualities. Her family was even more convinced of her love for each and every person who was a part of her life when she died in 2016 at the age of 86.

She began sewing for her children when they were still quite tiny. She improved her quilting skills over time and began making cozy blankets for her family. Hubl and her husband had three children on their own, but after their parents died in a car accident in 1969, they adopted her niece and nephew.

Christina Tollman, Hubl’s granddaughter, requested that family members bring the handmade quits her grandmother made for them to the church on the day of Hubl’s funeral so that they might serve as a visual reminder of late Hubl’s handiwork.

Tollman had not anticipated the entire home being covered in her grandmother’s artwork. She had no idea the sweet elderly lady had made so many quilts throughout the years.

“I had no idea how many there were.” Almost every pew in that church was covered by us. She told Today, “I never realized how many she truly made.”

Hubl’s children and grandchildren discovered a notebook packed with dates and names of persons for whom she created quilts while cleaning her house.

“We discovered this — I call it a pocket notebook — when we sat down to go through her belongings. “On the inside, it states who made the quilt, when she put it in the quilt frame, and when she took it out,” the granddaughter explained.

Hubl even had several finished works at home, but he was saving them for a special day to present them to specific people. Tollman read the names and decided to deliver her grandmother’s quilts to the persons she created them for on the day of the burial, three of Tollman’s cousins.

“I actually have three cousins who aren’t married, and they got to see their quilts for the first time on the day of her burial,” she explained. “That was a pretty cool experience.”

Tollman explained, “She wanted us to have something to wrap up in and keep warm in when we went away to school.”
People reminisced about the times they utilized the quilts and the nice experiences they had at Hubl. “This is Grandma’s affection for each of us,” says the narrator. “She made this for everyone of us to wrap ourselves in when we were hurting,” her granddaughter explained. “When we miss her,” says the narrator.

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