Kind Bus Driver Stopped Bus To Help Walk A Blind Man Safely Through Street Construction

When a bus driver observed that fresh street construction was blocking the route of a blind man, he pulled over to the side of the road and walked him across the street safely.

Gene Hubbard, 69, of Milwaukee, WI, has been taking the county bus to his job every day for the past 20 years. He lost his sight due to diabetes, but he can still go to and from work with the use of a walking stick.

“No, I’m not planning on retiring,” Gene stated.

Gene has remembered his bus route, timetable, and route to work, allowing him to securely commute to and from work. However, when work on a street he frequents began, the changes in where people could walk, as well as the construction cones and eliminated sidewalks, made his route difficult.

“I might as well be in the middle of the ocean if I don’t have a consistent locating point to start from,” Gene added.

Thaddaus Turner, a 28-year-old bus driver, observed Gene disembark the bus at his customary stop and paused for a moment, comprehending the situation with street construction as Gene prepared to cross the street.

He swiftly parked the bus, stepped outside, and extended his arm to Gene, and the two of them safely walked to the opposite side of the street, despite the construction and traffic.

“Because it’s just one-way through there, I knew I had the traffic behind me halted.” “My main worry was getting him across from the other side,” Thaddaus explained. “The path was obstructed; it was difficult for me as a driver, and I can only image how difficult it must have been for him.”

Thaddaus politely and softly guided Gene to the other side of the street, while passengers on the bus and drivers in their automobiles observed with their hearts open.

Sydney Kazmierczak took advantage of the opportunity and snapped a short snapshot of Thaddaus assisting Gene on her phone.

“It’s as if I was put at the perfect spot at the right time to capture this moment!!” Sydney wrote about it in an online post. “I was so excited that I promptly grabbed out my phone to take a photo!” Thaddaus is deserving of recognition!!”



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