Babysitter Makes A Decision About Family’s Dying Daughter That Makes Me Want To Cry

If you’ve ever been a babysitter or even taken responsibility for someone else’s children, you’ll understand the weight of obligation that falls on your shoulders while caring for children who aren’t your own.

There are many babysitters that take this duty and work extremely seriously and, without a doubt, go above and beyond what their parents request!

Kiersten Miles had been caring for George and Farra Rosko’s three children for a few weeks, but when one of the children’s lives was threatened, she was forced to make a terrifying life-altering decision.

The Roskos will be eternally grateful for her decision!

Kiersten Miles, a 22-year-old student from New Jersey, needed to work to help fund her education, so she reached out to the Rosko family through a friend and began working for them right immediately.

Kiersten rapidly developed a strong relationship with the couple’s three children, particularly their youngest, Talia.

Talia required a new liver due to a rare and life-threatening liver illness, and Kiersten was there without a second thought to contribute a piece of her own liver to help.

At first, George, Farra, and Rosko were apprehensive, and Kiersten emphasized to them how serious the item she was proposing was. Donating a portion of your liver is not the same as donating blood; it requires extensive surgery, and there are several hazards.

Kiersten stuck to her guns and applied to be a donor for Talia right immediately; when the test results came back, Kiersten was a perfect match for Talia!

Talia’s parents were overjoyed and grateful to Kiersten for her altruistic deed; nevertheless, they made careful not to press Kiersten to make the choice since they didn’t want her to regret it later.

Kiersten had no regrets, and on the 11th of January 2017, she and Talia drove to the hospital together to undergo the 14-hour operation.

The surgeons gave Kiersten anesthesia before removing a portion of her liver and transplanting it into baby Talia.

Thankfully, the transplant was successful, and Talia and Kiersten healed fast thanks to the amazing surgeons.

Talia is refreshed today and doing everything a toddler should be doing; she can now play, run, and eat like she’s never done before!

Kiersten, of course, deserves a big hug and a heartfelt “thank you” for her incredible effort. Some folks truly have a golden heart!

Kiersten offered us hope and inspiration in a brutal, cold world, and she continues to do so through her story!



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