Couple Who Met Online Finds Out They Are Each Other’s Preschool Crush 30 Years Ago

For many people, the phrase “love finds its own way” may be a tired cliché, but not for these two lovebirds, who reconnected 30 years after becoming one other’s childhood obsession.

Justin Pounders, 33, met the love of his life, Amy Giberson, on and fell in love with her at first sight.

“You could see she had a lot of energy.” In an interview with People Magazine, Justin said, “I can’t explain it, but I knew I had to get to know this girl.”

However, it was only a year later that their love story began when Justin joked that he liked Amy’s name since he used to have a crush on a girl with a similar name in elementary school.

“Well, it’s not me, so I don’t want to hear about her,” Amy laughed to him.

That’s when Amy and Justin realized they went to the same preschool, Sunshine Preschool in St. Petersburg, Florida, back when they were both in kindergarten.

Later, the pair requested their parents to look over their childhood photos, and it turned out that the girl Justin had a love on was Amy!

“When Justin’s mother discovered a photo of the two of us together, I burst out laughing. I was overjoyed.” All those years ago, I was the Amy he had fawned over! Amy stated, “It was clearly meant to be.”

According to the pair, they spent a lot of time building blocks, playing tag, and sitting next to one other during lunch at preschool.

Amy and Justin were only three years old at the time, and they had no idea that their tight friendship would blossom into a lifelong relationship three decades later.

Despite living in the same area for years before they could find each other, Justin believed their meeting was fated by a “higher power.”

“It’s clear that someone or something decided we weren’t intended to reconnect until now,” Justin explained.

“All this time, we’ve been so close to discovering one other, but we didn’t until the timing was right.” That’s all there is to it.”


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