Sylvester Stallone Thought He Fathered Baby Whose Biological Dad Was Found 7 Years Later via DNA Test

Sylvester Stallone and Jennifer Flavin, the star of “Rocky,” have been married for over two decades after dating for over 30 years. He did, however, abandon her for Janice Dickinson at one point.

Sylvester Stallone has been married to Jennifer Flavin, a former model, for 24 years. Despite their long marriage, the couple has faced their fair share of difficulties.

Stallone, 75, and Flavin, 53, met for the first time in 1988 at a West Hollywood restaurant. Despite the fact that he was 23 years her senior, the two decided to give romance a go and began dating soon after.


Flavin was only beginning out as a model when she met the movie actor, who was already a Hollywood A-lister. She said that she and her then-boyfriend spent five of the week’s seven days together.

While Flavin did not feel Stallone was a “cheating hound” back then, she saw him as a man many years her senior who wanted to enjoy himself while he still could.

Sylvester Stallone and date Jennifer Flavin attend Mike O'Hara's Power Polo and Cocktail Reception to Benefit Vital Options on August 26, 1988 at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center in Burbank, California | Photo Getty Images

While their partnership is far from conservative, it served them well for a time. In 1994, Stallone began seeing model Janice Dickinson and ended his relationship with Flavin.

Flavin was dumped by the screenwriter in a six-page letter delivered by FedEx, which she described as “sloppy.” The couple had been dating for five years until Stallone called it quits.


Dickinson had just given birth to her daughter Savannah at the time, and she believed Stallone was the father. Savannah, who is now 27 years old, was even given his surname when she was born.

The couple had been engaged for six months when their child was born in 1994, but they divorced just weeks later. Savannah had just turned seven years old.

Dickinson published an autobiography called “No Lifeguard On Duty” in 2002, in which she went into great detail about the probable fathers of her kid.

The entrepreneur admits to sleeping with three guys in a week and being acquainted with Stallone around the time Savannah was conceived.

Dickinson said that she truly felt the director was the father of her kid, despite the fact that she knew she had been having affairs with other men at the time.


She went to Stallone’s house for supper one evening and ended up sleeping with him. Dickinson told him she was pregnant after they had been sexual. He asked, “You’re what?” “‘I’m pregnant,’ I said again.”

He asked, referring to film producer Michael Birnbaum, “How do you know it’s not Birnbaum’s?” She told Dickinson she thought it was conceivable it was Birnbaum’s child, but she didn’t think so.

Dickinson writes, “Sylvester was a true mensch about it.” He took her golfing, yachting, and horseback riding, she revealed, and they began spending more time together.

Sylvester Stallone attends the "Rocky" Broadway opening night after party at Roseland Ballroom on March 13, 2014 in New York City | Photo: Getty Images

Stallone, she claims, never mentioned Flavin, and she never inquired about her. He introduced her to his pals while they were together, and they stayed at his Malibu home.

However, he was not pleased when the pregnancy began to show. “Do you believe a kid will take the mommy dog or the puppies home with him when he goes into a pet store?” he wondered. “I told you you weren’t a kid,” I said.

“On the inside, every man is a child.” “That’s the thing about men,” Stallone joked. “I said, ‘You got that right.’ ” “Tell you what,” I’ll pay you a million dollars if you can get rid of the baby ” he stated.

Dickinson immediately disagreed, stating that she couldn’t tell whether he was serious or not, “but I didn’t have to think about it.” Dickinson confessed, “I’d previously had two abortions.”

He speculated that the unborn child was a boy and asked her what she would do if the child was not hers. However, she corrected him and informed him that she was expecting a daughter.

Dickinson replied him it was her female intuition when he questioned how she knew, and he reinforced his comment about her getting an abortion, informing her that what he offered was a lot of money.

Dickinson told him she didn’t want his money out of exasperation. They then flew to Miami, where Stallone was filming a film, but the National Enquirer was more interested in her.

They discovered she was pregnant in some way, and credible news outlets quickly called her to confirm it. Stallone then asked whether she was sure she wanted to keep the kid, to which she replied affirmatively.


Dickinson called Stallone on the day of the baby’s arrival, telling him it was time, and he said he would meet her at the hospital. She had a speedy delivery, and he was overjoyed when he arrived five minutes later:

“He rocked her and grinned and grinned as he held her in his massive arms, a stogie dangling out of his mouth.”

It is impossible to fix YESTERDAYS, but you can fix TOMORROWS. Like a fighter, sometimes you have to change styles to survive! #KeepPunching

Posted by Sylvester Stallone on Saturday, November 2, 2019

However, in the back of his mind, he doubted that she was his child. “I hope she’s mine,” Stallone said to Dickinson, who assured him that she was.

During Dickson’s pregnancy, she dubbed the baby ‘Diva,’ which Stallone didn’t like, so when the baby was born, they named her Savannah.

Following the delivery, the lovers transported the baby to Dickinson’s house in Nichols Canyon, where she would have a new home. “I’m still wondering whether she’s mine,” Stallone voiced his main concern at the residence.


When Savannah’s one-month checkup came around, he accompanied her to the pediatrician’s office. Stallone’s visit was not unintentional; he still wanted to make sure he was the father, so he had arranged for a paternity test.

Dickson stated that she was unconcerned about the outcome since she understood it was his decision to make. A few days later, the lab called with the results, which were hazy.

They required another sample since one of the technicians had botched the test. They never received one from Dickson.

Then there was the day she had to fly to Paris for a gig.

When her doorbell rang, the man on the other end introduced himself as a lab technician from a facility in Long Beach, California, south of Los Angeles. She returned to the hotel later that day after walking the runway and found Stallone waiting for her in her room.

When Dickinson arrived, she could tell Stallone was distraught and inquired what was wrong. “She’s not mine,” he stated emphatically. She said, “Excuse me?”

Savannah was not Stallone’s daughter, he told her, and he had heard from the lab in Long Beach. Still perplexed by the news, Dickinson inquired as to how it was possible, but the producer immediately stated to her as she stood up to leave:

“Please convey my greetings to Birnbaum. Janice, we had a great time together. If you say wonderful things about me, I’ll return the favor.”

Dickson said she felt like she had been kicked in the gut as Stallone walked out, and their whirlwind affair came to an end.

Birnbaum was Savannah’s biological father, as it turned out.

‘JENNIFER WAS RIGHT,’ says the narrator.

After his unsuccessful relationship with Dickinson, Stallone realized that his relationship with Flavin was perhaps the best thing that could have happened to him.

As a result, in 1997, he was able to rekindle his connection with the entrepreneur, and the two decided to make it permanent this time, as the couple later married. The New Yorker stated, “Jennifer has made all the difference.”

Flavin and Stallone married in a spectacular ceremony surrounded by their closest friends and family the following year.

Sophia, Scarlet, and Sistine are the lovebirds’ three daughters, and the family man couldn’t be happier, as he stated:

“I’ve never had so much fun in my life.” That’s something I learned from my wife. It took me 19 years to figure out that she is always correct.”


Stallone has two other children, the first of whom was Sage, born in May 1976. Sage was an actor who co-starred with his father in several films, including “Rocky V” and “Daylight.”

He did attend the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, despite the fact that his acting career did not proceed. His life was sadly cut short on July 13, 2012, when he died.

Son Seargeoh, 43, is Stallone’s second child, whom he received in 1979. Because he has avoided the spotlight, little is known about him. He was diagnosed with autism at a young age, as is well known.


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