Bride Destroys $11000 Worth Of Wedding Dresses After Store Refuses To Refund $550 Deposit

Because she became pregnant in August, she had to reschedule the wedding. She did, however, demand her deposit returned from the retailer.

A pregnant bride was turned down for her $550 deposit by a business, but she was there to make sure they paid the price.

According to TooFab, a video that has gone popular on Chinese social media shows the lady, armed with scissors, cutting up 32 wedding dresses worth $11,000. According to MP Headlines, the woman paid 8000 yuan ($1260) in April 2021 for a wedding package with the Jiangjin District bridal company for her October 5 event. Things went wrong, though, when she found out she was pregnant in August of last year.

She inquired as to whether the wedding might be rescheduled. She returned in November, requesting an unconditional cancellation and a refund of her deposit, but the store refused. The company allegedly offered to donate the funds to the child’s 100th birthday celebration, and she first consented. The 100th day following one’s birth is a significant milestone in Chinese culture. She did, however, come at the store on January 9 with a pair of scissors in her hand. The woman can be seen ripping all of the wedding dresses displayed at the store in a video shared by u/toaruScar on Reddit. The post has received 2472 comments and has utterly stunned Reddit members.

The worker can be heard telling her to think about what she’s doing all the time and that a single outfit is worth thousands of yuan. “I can hear the woman saying,” the woman can be heard stating “Hundreds of thousands? Even if they’re worth tens of thousands of dollars, it’s fine.” She even asks the employee if she’s going to call the cops while she ruins the store’s stuff, telling her that if she does, she’ll just pay the store back. At the end of her strangely silent wrath, she calmly sits down and waits for the cops to arrive. They eventually succeed, and she is ejected from the premises.

The woman eventually apologized, and her fiancé offered to reimburse the firm for 60,000 yuan ($9400) after some negotiating. They haven’t yet paid up any money, according to reports. The internet is split on whether or not this woman’s actions should be forgiven. As one user put it, “Lmao, the whole point of a deposit is for the company to keep it if the customer decides they no longer want the product for whatever reason. This lady feels she should get her deposit back because she no longer wants it?” “How stupid do you have to be to harm private property when the store has all of your personal information on file?” one individual asked.


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