Premature Baby Who Had No Visitors For Five Months During Hospital Stay Gets Adopted By Her Nurse

Liz, thank you for being such a kind person; you are truly an angel. May God’s blessings be upon you and your daughter.

We are well aware that life is unpredictably unpredictable and full of surprises. Most of us have goals for the future, but things don’t always go as planned, and we end up in circumstances we never anticipated we’d find ourselves in.

Liz Smith, head of nursing at Franciscan Children’s Hospital in Brighton, Mass., has watched her brothers and friends marry and start families, and it’s something she wishes for herself. She felt deep down that one day she would be a wonderful mother, perhaps even as devoted and committed as her late mother. Smith’s parents split when she was 19, and she remembers her mother making sure their house was always full of laughter and love.

Smith added, “My mother was a pediatric nurse who always put people first. I, too, aspired to be a nurse as a child.”

For her 13 nieces and nephews, Smith is the finest aunt in the world, and everyone says that she is the most kind person they’ve ever encountered. Smith’s sister, Elly Smith, claims that her sister is a natural nurturer who would make an excellent mother if given the opportunity.

Smith was hopeful that in vitro fertilization would help her conceive, but her health insurance wouldn’t cover the costly procedure, and she couldn’t afford it. Despite her strong desire for children, she had never considered fostering or adopting until she met Gisele, an 8-month-old girl with sparkling blue eyes and an adorable face.

Smith first spotted the adorable little baby when she was being wheeled down the corridor by one of the nurses at work.

“Who is this lovely angel?” Smith recalls wondering. “Her name is Gisele,” was the response she received, and it couldn’t get out of her thoughts. Gisele’s solitary delicate brown curl was also something she wouldn’t forget.

When Gisele was just 3 months old, she was reportedly transported to the hospital where Smith worked. She was born preterm in July 2016, weighing barely 2 pounds at the time. Her mother’s drug usage throughout pregnancy caused her to have respiratory issues. During her five months in the hospital, the unfortunate infant was fed through a tube and had no visitors.

Smith discovered at that time that the state of Massachusetts and social services were looking for a foster home for Gisele.

And this woman, whose greatest desire was to become a mother, realized that was the end of it. “I’m going to nurture this baby,” she promised herself. “I’m going to be her mother,” she says.

Smith added, “I never anticipated becoming a mother would be a struggle. You may attempt to push it away by distracting yourself with other things, but it never goes gone.”

“There was something behind her beautiful blue eyes that drew my interest from the minute I met her,” she explained. “I felt compelled to adore this child and protect her.”

Smith noted, “She was behind developmentally, and I wanted to get her out of the hospital and into flourishing.”

Smith was allowed permission to take Gisele home in April 2017. She was informed, however, that the state would do everything possible to reconnect the infant with her original parents.

“I was in amazement that it was occurring as I drove out of the hospital parking lot with Gisele and a car full of baby gear,” Smith recalled.

She took a break from work to care for her new kid. Smith’s friends and family were all very supportive of her choice to foster the child, and they even threw a baby shower for her and purchased her a lot of baby gear.

“I was both delighted and scared,” she recalled, “because I realized I was dedicating everything I had to this child who may not be in my life forever.”

The baby’s parents were allowed weekly monitoring visits, but the state judged they couldn’t care for their biological daughter any longer, so their parental rights were removed, allowing Smith to apply to officially become Gisele’s mother.

“It was terribly sad the day I got the call that their parental rights had been revoked,” she added. “My gain was someone else’s loss. It’s tough to convey how you feel when you’re going through a life-changing experience and someone else is going through it in the other direction. The ultimate truth is that it is a tragedy for yet another family.”

The day these two lovely ladies officially became a mother and a daughter was October 18, 2017, and it was the finest day of their lives.

“This is the mother-daughter bond that my sister has been waiting for for a long time,” Phil Smith, 44, said. “It’s clear that they’ve given each other a sense of completion.”

Despite the fact that Gisele is still on a supplemental feeding tube at the age of two, her days are full with fun. She is the loveliest little lady who adores cheese and pizza.

‘You Are My Sunshine’ is her new favorite song,” Smith stated. “And I thought to myself, ‘You have no idea,’ every time she sings it.”



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